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Statistical yearbook 2019

Date 30/06/2020 - 09:42:00 | 357 views
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The Statistical Yearbook, an annual publication by General Statistics Office, comprises basic data reflecting the general socio-economic dynamic and situation of the whole country, regions and provinces. In addition, in this publication, there are also selected statistics of countries and territories in the world to provide reference information for studies and international comparison.

Beside data tables, explainations of terminologies, contents and methodologies of some key statistical indicators, statistical yearbook 2019 also assesses overview of socio-economic situation and main features for some sectors in 2019.

General Statistics Office would like to express its great gratitude to all agencies, organizations and individuals for your comments as well as contributions to the content and form of this publication. We look forward to receiving further comments to perfect Viet Nam Statistical Yearbooks to better satisfy the demands of domestic and foreign data users.

Nien-giam-thong-ke-day-du-2019.pdf Tải về

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