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Functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry Inspectorate

Date 21/03/2024 - 11:18:00 | 66 views
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Decision No. 878/QD-BKHDT dated May 15th, 2023 by the Minister of Planning and Investment.

Article 1. Position and functions

The Ministry Inspectorate is an affiliated unit of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, an inspection agency by sector and field under the Planning and Investment Inspection organization system, representing the Minister to perform the state management of inspection, resolution of complaints and denunciations, prevention and fighting of corruption, negativity, and waste in the use of assigned assets and funds; conduct administrative inspection of agencies, organizations and individuals under the Ministry’s management scope; and conduct specialized inspections of agencies, organizations and individuals under the Ministry’s state management.

Article 2. Tasks

1. Inspecting and checking the implementation of policies, laws, tasks and powers of agencies, units and individuals under the Ministry of Planning and Investment’s direct management authority.

2. Inspecting and checking the observance of specialized laws, professional and technical regulations, management rules on planning and investment of agencies, organizations and individuals within the Ministry of Planning and Investment’s state management scope.

3. Presiding over developing inspection and review plans and submit them to the Ministry for approval and implementation; presiding over handling overlapping issues regarding the scope, subjects, content, and time of inspection and review within the Ministry of Planning and Investment’s state management scope; Monitoring and promoting the Ministry’s affiliated units to prepare annual inspection plans and coordinating with the Ministry for approval.

4. Monitoring, promoting, directing and guiding procedures for the Ministry’s affiliated units in receiving and resolving complaints and denunciations within the authority of the unit and according to the provisions of Law on complaints and denunciations; Advising and resolving complaints and denunciations under the Ministry’s authority; Carrying out regular duties directly to citizens according to the Ministry’s regulations on citizen reception.

5. Carrying out tasks of preventing and combating corruption and negativity according to the provisions of law on preventing and combating corruption and negativity. Standing position of the Ministry on preventing and combating corruption and negativity; Acting as a focal point to advise the CPV Designated Representation in preventing and combating corruption and negativity. Developing a plan to verify assets and income and submit it to the Minister for approval and organizing the implementation within the Ministry of Planning and Investment’s management scope.

Reviewing and monitoring the implementation of laws on preventing corruption and negativity within the Ministry’s state management scope at the request of the Government Inspectorate.

6. Penalizing administrative violations in the field of planning and investment according to the provisions of law.

7. Presiding over or participating in developing legal documents on inspection; complaints, denunciations and prevention and combat of corruption and negativity in the fields of planning, development investment and statistics.

8. Making recommendations to competent state agencies to handle violations of the law in the fields of planning, development investment and statistics; Making recommendations to competent state agencies to amend, supplement and promulgate regulations to meet administrative requirements; Making recommendations to suspend or cancel illegal regulations discovered in the inspection.

9 Guiding the General Statistics Office in carrying out specialized inspections; Receiving citizens, resolving complaints and denunciations; Preventing and combating corruption and negativity under the jurisdiction of the General Statistics Office.

10. Guiding and professional exchange on specialized inspection; Guiding on program orientation and annual specialized inspection plans for the General Statistics Office and Inspectorate of the Department of Planning and Investment; Guiding and inspecting the Ministry’s affiliated units to implement legal regulations on inspection and citizen reception, resolution of complaints and denunciations and prevention and combat of corruption and negativity.

11. Summarizing and learning from experience in specialized inspection operations in planning and investment.

12. Summoning officials and civil servants of relevant agencies, units and organizations to participate in the Ministry’s inspection team.

13. Monitoring, promoting, and checking the conclusions, recommendations, and decisions on handling inspections, checks, citizen reception, complaints, and denunciations made by the Ministry of Planning and Investment and Ministry Inspectorate. Summarizing, monitoring, and promoting the conclusions, recommendations, decisions, etc. on handling inspections, audits, complaints, and denunciations issued by competent agencies regarding with the Ministry and units under the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

14. Carrying out internal audit at units under the management authority of the Ministry of Planning and Investment. Carrying out final settlement appraisal of investment projects invested by the Ministry Office.

15. Making recommendations and proposals for re-inspection of specialized inspection conclusions on planning and investment and statistics issued by the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee and the General Director of the General Statistics Office with signs of violation; re-inspecting cases as assigned by the Ministry.

16. Synthesizing and reporting on results of purifying, recruiting, and screening citizens, resolving complaints and denunciations, and preventing and combating corruption and negativity within the Ministry’s state management scope.

17. Coordinating with the Ministry’s affiliated units to carry out relevant tasks under the management of the sector or field in charge.

18. Carrying out management regime for officials, civil servants and assets according to decentralization; and carrying out other tasks as assigned by the Minister.

Article 3. Organizational structure

The Ministry Inspectorate’s Leadership includes one Chief Inspector and some Vice Chief Inspectors. Chief Inspector and some Vice Chief Inspectors are appointed, dismissed or fired by the Minister according to the provisions of the law.

The Ministry Inspectorate has the following functional divisions.

- Division of General Affairs;

- Inspectorate Division 1;

- Inspectorate Division 2;

- Inspectorate Division 3;

- Inspectorate Division 4.

Chief Inspector specifies tasks and staffing for the Ministry Inspectorate’s divisions within the scope of functions, tasks and staffing assigned by the Minister. The Ministry Inspectorate is allowed to open a temporary collection account at the State Treasury and has its own seal.

Article 4. Enforcement

This Decision comes into force since the date of signing and replaces the Decision No. 1878/QD-BKHDT dated December 22nd, 2017 by Minister of the Ministry of Planning and Investment on functions, tasks and organizational structure of the Ministry Inspectorate.

Article 5. Implementation responsibility

Director General of Department of Organization and Personnel, Chief of the Ministry Office, Chief Inspector of the Ministry Inspectorate and the heads of units and organizations under the Ministry are responsible for implementing this Decision./.




(Signed and sealed)


Nguyen Chi Dung

MPI_ QĐ 878 Ministry Inspectorate.pdf Tải về

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