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Functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Academy of Policy and Development

Date 21/03/2024 - 09:26:00 | 57 views
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Decision No. 918/QD-BKHDT dated May 19th, 2023 by the Minister of Planning and Investment.

Article 1. Position and functions

Academy of Policy and Development is a public higher education institution in the national education system, under the Ministry of Planning and Investment, carrying out the training at undergraduate, master's and doctoral levels in accordance with the Academy's development goals and directions; training and fostering cadres, civil servants and public employees of the Ministry and branches related to planning and investment, as well as other organizations and individuals in society upon request;  conducting scientific research, consultation, policy criticism and international cooperation according to the provisions of law.

The Policy Academy is a public non-business unit with its own legal status, seal and account, and operates autonomously according to the provisions of law and the decentralization of Ministry of Planning and Investment. The Academy is under the direct direction and management of Ministry of Planning and Investment; subject to the state management of education by Ministry of Education and Training, and the management of training and fostering cadres, civil servants and public employees by Ministry of Home Affairs.

Article 2. Tasks and powers

1. Regarding training at undergraduate, master and doctoral levels:

a) Determining enrollment targets, organizing enrollment, organizing teaching and training according to the training program; recognizing graduation, confirming and awarding diplomas according to the provisions of law;

b) Developing training programs according to determined goals; ensuring continuity between training programs and levels, aiming to meet international standards;

c) Developing projects to open new training majors;

d) Implementing training activities, joint training, scientific research, and international cooperation according to the Academy's strategy and development plan, ensuring training quality;

e) Managing learners; ensuring the legal rights and interests of public employees, workers and learners;

f) Self-assessing the quality of training and submitting it to educational quality accreditation by competent authorities;

g) Managing degree templates and issuing undergraduate and postgraduate training diplomas of the Academy according to the provisions of law.

2. Regarding training and fostering of cadres, civil servants and public employees:

a) Coordinating with Department of Organization and Personnel to develop training plans for cadres, civil servants and public employees of Ministry of Planning and Investment and planning and investment branches as assigned by the Minister;

b) Presiding over or coordinating with relevant units to develop training programs, content, textbooks and materials according to job position requirements for cadres, civil servants and public employees, submitting them to competent authorities for approval according to the provisions of law and the decentralization of the Ministry;

c) Organizing training for cadres, civil servants and public employees according to prescribed forms and content of training; fostering knowledge, professional skills and expertise in the field of planning and investment; foreign languages, information technology and other training and fostering content;

d) Cooperating with training and retraining establishments to organize training and retraining of cadres, civil servants and public employees in appropriate methods;

e) Implementing or cooperating in providing training and fostering services to organizations and individuals upon request according to the provisions of law and the functions and tasks of the Academy;

f) Awarding and managing the issuance of certification and certificates to students according to the provisions of law.

3. Regarding scientific research:

a) Conducting scientific research on sectors and fields for the Academy's training, researching, developing and consulting policies for Ministry of Planning and Investment and state management agencies;

b) Presiding over or participating in developing programs, topics, projects, and documents related to the implementation of functions and tasks of Ministry of Planning and Investment when assigned by competent authorities;

c) Publishing scientific publications and posting scientific research articles of public employees, lecturers, learners and students of the Academy according to the provisions of law.

4. Providing consulting services and other services consistent with the functions, tasks, capacity of the Academy and according to the demands of society.

5. Developing strategies and plans for the Academy’s development and submit them to competent authorities for approval. Participating with units under the Ministry of Planning and Investment to develop strategies, policies, planning, development plans of the planning and investment sector and legal documents when assigned by competent authority.

6. Developing and organizing the implementation of planning and plans on organizational structure, establishment, merger, division, separation and dissolution of scientific organizations and units under the Academy; staffing, job position; recruiting, managing, employing, training and fostering the Academy's staff and workers according to the provisions of law and the decentralization of Ministry of Planning and Investment.

7. Mobilizing, exploiting, managing and using resources to implement educational goals and assigned tasks according to the provisions of law and the decentralization of Ministry of Planning and Investment.

8. Implementing the information and reporting regime and being under the inspection and examination of Ministry of Education and Training, Ministry of Planning and Investment and competent agencies according to regulations.

9. Performing other tasks as assigned by the Minister.

Article 3. Organizational structure

1. Council of the Academy.

2. Board of Directors of the Academy (President and Vice Presidents).

3. Scientific and Training Council.

4. Faculties and institutes (faculties and institutes have affiliated units/divisions according to the provisions of law).

5. Functional departments and centers (Centers have affiliated departments/divisions according to the provisions of law).

6. Training and non-business units with revenue.

7. The Academy has Sub-Institutes in the North, Central, and South, appropriate to each stage of the Academy's development, and in the case that such facilities have obtain all the necessary conditions for establishment according to the provisions of law.

Article 4. Subordinate and affiliated units of the Academy

Functional Departments and Centers include:

1. Department of Organization and Administrative Affairs.

2. Department of Academic Affairs.

3. Department of Scientific and Cooperation Affairs.

5. Department of Political and Student Affairs.

6. Department of Examination and Quality Assurance.

7. Center of Information, Library and Communications.

8. Center for Academic Support.

Faculties and Institutes include:

1. Faculty of Economics.

2. Faculty of International Economics.

3. Faculty of Development Economics.

4. Faculty of Digital Economics.

5. Faculty of Finance - Banking.

6. Faculty of Business Administration.

7. Faculty of Accounting - Auditing.

8. Faculty of Economic Laws.

9. Faculty of Fundamentals.

10. Institute of Public Policy.

11. International School of Economics and Finance.

Non-business unit includes:

1. Center for Training and Development Consulting.

Number of employees receiving salaries from the budget of the Academy is decided by the Minister.

Article 5. Council of the Academy

The Council of the Academy is a governance organization, exercising the representative rights of the owner and related parties, and deciding on major policies to exercise the autonomy and self-responsibility of the Academy; has tasks and powers according to the provisions of the Law on Higher Education and other provisions of law.

The Chairman of the Council of the Academy performs tasks and powers according to the provisions of law and the Ministry and is recognized by the Minister of Planning and Investment according to regulations.

Article 6. Board of Directors of the Academy

1. Academy of Policy and Development has a President and a number of Vice Presidents. The President and Vice Presidents of the Academy are recognized or appointed by the Minister of Planning and Investment according to the provisions of law and the decentralization of the Ministry.

2. The President of the Academy is the legal representative and account holder of the Academy; responsible for managing and operating the Academy's activities; regulating the functions and tasks of subordinated and affiliated units of the Academy; submitting to the Minister to promulgate the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Center for Training and Development Consulting; developing and promulgating regulations and rules of the Academy according to regulations.

3. The President of the Academy is responsible before the Minister and the law according to regulations. The Vice Presidents of the Academy are responsible before the President of the Academy and before the law for the assigned fields of work.

Article 7. This Decision has come into force since the date of signing. Previous regulations contrary to this Decision are all annulled.

Article 8. Director General of Department of Organization and Personnel, Chief of the Ministry Office, Chairman of the Council of the Academy, President of the Academy of Policy and Development and the heads of units and organizations under the Ministry are responsible for implementing this Decision./.




(Signed and sealed)


Nguyen Chi Dung

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