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Deputy Minister Tran Quoc Phuong welcomes Spanish State Secretary for foreign affairs

Date 16/04/2024 - 20:32:00 | 251 views
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(MPI) - Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Tran Quoc received Diego Martinex Belio, State Secretary for Foreign and Global Affairs of Spain in Hanoi on April 16.

At the reception. Photo: MPI

Welcoming Belio’s visit on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of establishing Vietnam-Spain strategic partnership (2009-2024), Deputy Minister Phuong spoke highly of the Spanish Government and people’s assistance for Vietnam that has helped the country promote socio-economic development, and also the close coordination of Spanish diplomatic agencies with the Vietnam’s Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) in cooperation activities.

He took the occasion to thank Spain for early ratification of the EU-Viet Nam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA), and proposed Spain to promote the remaining EU countries to pass the document soon, which will create favourable conditions for Spanish businesses to do business and invest in Vietnam, and for Vietnamese businesses to access the EU market.

Regarding official development assistance, the deputy minister highly appreciated the Spanish Government for their support through five financial programmes since 1994, asking the Spanish side coordinate closely with Vietnam accelerate the early signing of the Financial Cooperation Programme 6.

However, Deputy Minister Phuong also pointed out that Spanish investment in the country remains modest since Spain currently has 95 valid projects worth 143.85 million USD, ranking 46th out of 145 countries and territories investing in Vietnam. The two countries boast huge cooperation opportunities in the time ahead, especially in some priority areas such as renewable energy, innovation, high technology, electronics, semiconductors, artificial intelligence (AI) and hydrogen. The MPI stands ready to coordinate with Spanish agencies to provide information and remove facing problems for investors.

For his part, Belio stated that Spain always attaches importance to and wishes to promote cooperation with Vietnam. He expressed Spain’s wish to enhance ties with Vietnam in some areas of Spain’s strengths and Vietnam’s demands such as transport infrastructure and renewable energy and the early signing of sixth financial cooperation programme, as well as their readiness to promote the remaining EU countries’ ratification of the EVIPA.

The State Secretary said Spain has numerous experiences to exchange and cooperate with Vietnam in the green transition area, and his country is willing to participate deeper in this field as well as to assist Vietnam build and develop high-speed railways.

The two sides agreed that their countries will step up delegation exchange and organise investment promotion forum in order to create conditions for businesses explore cooperation opportunities. The MPI pledged close coordination with the Spanish Embassy and relevant agencies to improve the comprehensive ties between the two countries./.

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